
Since we can only grow together, your professional development is essential to us.

At the Fraunhofer Group for Production, we combine the entire know-how of 13 scientific institutes from 13 major cities on the subject of production. We are working at the heart of research. Our work is supported by the latest findings in the fields of production science, engineering and computer science.

We enable research and industry to work together in an interdisciplinary and closely networked manner!

A balanced combination of private and professional life, as well as diversity, are of great importance to us.

Why we're more than just a job.

Diversity & New Work

A time clock is outdated.

Find out what our vision is!

Teamwork makes the dreamwork!

Learn who we are!

About us

On this page you will find information about the Fraunhofer Group for Production as well as our topics and culture.

Why we're more than just a job.

Would you like to gain experience in industry during your studies or do your doctorate after graduation alongside interesting, independent project work? Then you've come to the right place!

Job offers

Opportunities for your career with Fraunhofer are just as varied as our research fields: whether in training, as a student assistant, as an intern, for your thesis or PhD, as a scientist or in administration – become part of the team!


Initiative application

You are interested in working with us, but the job vacancies do not suit you? Don't hesitate to send us a initiative application!

Please contact the representative of your preferred institute directly.